[TED] Larry Smith:Why you will fail to have a great career

Rabbie 小兔
1 min readSep 19, 2014

In this funny and blunt talk, Larry Smith pulls no punches when he calls out the absurd excuses people invent when they fail to pursue their passions.

經濟學教授 Larry Smith 認為一些人沒有追求自己的夢想,而在乏善可陳的工作上浪費自己的才華,他對此非常痛心。對心動卻不行動的創業者來說,他的演講可謂當頭一棒。)

Those trying to have good careers are going to fail, because, really, good jobs are now disappearing. There are great jobs and great careers, and then there are the high-workload, high-stress, bloodsucking, soul-destroying kinds of jobs, and practically nothing in between.


You’re going to fail, because, because you’re not going to do it, because you will have invented a new excuse, any excuse to fail to take action, and this excuse I’ve heard so many times. “Yes, I would pursue a great career, but I value human relationships more than accomplishment. I want to be a great friend. I want to be a great spouse. I want to be a great parent, and I will not sacrifice them on the altar of great accomplishment.”



Rabbie 小兔

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